Alot of people want to know...which one of these awesome ladies at the store is my sister?! Well....every woman is my sister...not just my blood relation. Through our individual craftiness, loving-spirit, and the will to survive...we are SISTERS of the trade!
Why is it that all women can relate to this much loved Pinterest statement, pictured here...because it's TRUE! When women rub together, we can get a bit irritated at times...but eventually we work it out in the end! Have you ever tried to walk with one's not that easy, trust me!
If you can't get it done by yourself, ask a sister to help! That's why we have formed a sisterhood of strong woman...all coming together for the many reasons, but mostly to help other woman stand on their own two feet. We've all got great ideas, that usually involves a bit of wine at the end of that conversation...but in's all relevant!
Relevance is the key to our's natural for women to gather together to craft, love, and learn. It's been going on for a sewing circle sort of friendship. We work it out...whatever the need, dream or desire.
My dream was always to do something important and help others...but I didn't know it would include yarn, glue, scissors, paint, flowers, beads, buttons, and more! However, I had help along the way...pointing me toward my spiritual become something greater than I ever expected...a SISTER...MENTOR!
it ALL started with two really UNIQUELY strong grandmothers, who spoke words of wisdom to me through prayer, color, drawing, painting, crocheting, sewing, canning, cooking, fishing, traveling and more! Even looking for a real diamond in the the Herkimer Diamond Mines in Upstate New York. Every weekend it was a new adventure for me...meeting new people, who needed to share their story with others! I had no idea I was being groomed by God from the help and serve listen, to dance, to cry, to enjoy life as it day at a time!
My mom, my aunts, my cousins....all women of strength in my life...caring for me, listening to my heart and helping to grow that dream inside of me...a dream that's just now coming into site for me, after 47 years.'s never to late to begin ANEW! "Spread out your wings, and come fly with me" that of Eagles, we're free to high and wide as we care to fly.

As a woman, we are given every chance to grab on to the WHOLE TRUTH...but, like a fledgling, we often falter in our flight pattern...not sure if we're good enough to fly above the clouds.
God tells us to NOT BE NEVER LOSE SIGHT of the greater plan...that each and every one of us are privy to. YOU ARE a DAUGHTER of the MOST HIGH FATHER...that makes you a SISTER to each and every woman who was made to be a mom, a grandmother, an aunt, a cousin, a friend...a SISTER to them all! You are never in lack, nor without...when your sister is about! Only call out HIS NAME, and you will be helped!
Most recently...along my journey, I have had the honor to meet the most amazing women, who I am extremely proud to call MY sisters...who I keep near and dear to my heart...growing alongside of each of them, in their own them encouragement, love and appreciation.
Watching them to grow, as well as giving them the tools to do so...allows me to share life experiences that I don't know if I'd ever have whispered, if it weren't for such a time as any sister, who's listening.

Her story was a testimony to my laugh, love and be heard in all abandonment, was her street car named "desire". It sounds like such a simple plan...but maybe not when you feel like no one is listening, or that you have nothing worth sharing.
I knew her story. I felt those fears...had wept those tears and the indecisions were unsurmoutable...a passion that was close to my own dear heart....
As a sister, I knew I had only ONE CHOICE to make...and that was to INVITE HER IN! To make her my sister, like all the rest...a funny, quirky, bubbly little sister...ready to take on the world...and win! ANNIE'S an amazing, passionate flower...waiting to bloom...and fly!
Sparkling bright, "ANNIE'S heART" has found her voice, she's spread her wings and she's flying...higher every day!
She's also been a catalyst to me, in meeting other strong women in my neighborhood as well, and that's only the beginning. Women, Wine & Wiskey with Liysa Callsen has changed the course of my sails great woman after another...our tale is endless...and FOREVER! And that, my sister, is for awhole other day...but if you can't wait...I understand that jittery! Go find out more about this spectacular sister at: She's a funny gal, with a great HEART story too!
However, back to what we were originally saying...dang me pausin' all over the place here...gotta throw in some dry humor from time to time...espeically if you just went to Liysa's to top that?!
OH YEAH>>>>>>SISTERS UNRAVELED...did you see that squirrel?!
Because, we're One artist, to One fundraiser, and on to One more event, One more DIY class, One more handmade project...and MANY more SISTERS to come through our door....we are #sistersunraveled!
We invite you watch us learn, to laugh, to cry, to make something more happen in your life..."Because, handmade MATTERS!"

LIVING IN GRATITUDE, is what FRIENDS for ZEAL's mission is to raise awareness, inspire hope, and encourage healthy attitudes and behaviors to nurture, strengthen and connect to others with this disease. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, and you will succeed..."Because every day is a gift!"...that is the motto for Zach's Effort Against Leukemia...ZEAL
You are all invited to JOIN US, at the 4th Annual Zeal Gratitude Bash on Saturday, November 14th at Fox Hills Resort, in Mishicot, WI. Doors will OPEN at 4pm...Mystery Menu 5-6:30pm...Silent & Live Auctions with 50/50 raffles will be available for you all to browse and mingle throughout the evening. For tickets call: 920-860-6310/ $8 in advance/ $10 at the door! them here to learn more, at:
#sistersunraveled will be at the 2015 Friends for ZEAL Gratitude Bash! Holding hands, singing, laughing and hugging...'cause, that's what SISTERS do!
See ya there SISTERS...that means guys too!